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Cooperation to strengthen the performance of project offices (SKUPP)
List of projects

Cooperation to strengthen the performance of project offices (SKUPP)

Cooperation to strengthen the performance of project offices (SKUPP)
Project leader
Agricultural Institute of Slovenia (Lead partner), Slovenian Forestry Institute, Geological Survey of Slovenia, Educational Research Institute

Project partners:

Agricultural Institute of Slovenia Domov - Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije (

Slovenian Forestry Institute  GOZDIS - Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije

Geological Survey of Slovenia GeoZS (

Educational Research Institute Pedagoški institut (


Operation, Cooperation to strengthen the performance of project offices (SKUPP) entitled to Slovenian Forestry Institute and partners is funded till 30. June 2026 by the European Union, namely by the Recovery and Resilence Plan, NextGeneration EU and Ministry of Higher education, science and innovation of the Republic of Slovenia. The operation is carried out under the Recovery and Resilence Plan, development priority: C3 K8 RA – Management of R&D and innovation NOO-MIZŠ, released 11. October 2022. By the decision of the Ministry SFI with partners was selected in a public tender for the Project office building activities at public research organisations (Official Gazette of the RS no. 140/2022) in sum of 1,3 milijon EUR. Contact person for the information about the operation at SFI isTjaša Baloh.


Project duration: 14. 4. 2023 - 30. 6. 2026

Main goals:

The SKUPP project aims to strengthen the competences of the consortium of project offices and researchers at our institutes through the organisation of numerous events, networking between partners, with external stakeholders and other consortia, and with new jobs in project offices. The aim of the SKUPP consortium is to strengthen the supporting environment of project offices in public research organisations and to increase performance in centralised EU programmes during the application, implementation and reporting phases, which will contribute to the wider reputation and visibility of our institutes and, in the long term, to a greater reputation in the international environment.

Project SKUPP is cofinanced by Ministry of Higher education, science and innovation of the Republic of Slovenia and European Union, Recovery and Resilence Plan, NextGenerationEU.

Kick off meeting of project SKUPP, photo: Agricultural Institute of Slovenia