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FULAR - Shaping new paths towards furniture circularity
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FULAR - Shaping new paths towards furniture circularity

FULAR - Shaping new paths towards furniture circularity
Project website
Project leader
Department of Forest Physiology and Genetics
University of Thessaly, Dep. of Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design – lead partner (EL), Wood Furniture Home Cluster FVG (IT), Lesarski grozd (SI), Development Agency of City of Prijedor “PREDA” (BA), Slovenian Forestry Institute (SI), Wood Industry Cluster Albania (AL), University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry (RS), Croatian Wood Cluster (HR), Competence Centre Ltd. for Research and Development (HR), Università Iuav di Venezia (IT)

Project number: IPA-ADRION00373

Project duration: 01.09.2024 – 31.08.2027

Budget: overall 1.440.167,75 €

Cofinancing: 85 % European Commission: European Regional Development Fund, Interreg IPA ADRION Programme


The FULAR project aims at fostering sustainability and circularity in the furniture sector of the IPA ADRION programme area ensuring positive effects on various horizontal principles such as DNSH and providing concrete joint solutions to tackle the circularity challenges of the sector supporting a greener economy development in the Adriatic Ionian region. The variety of actors involved in the consortium, together with the research and on field piloting actions planned, the concrete results FULAR aims at delivering together with the networks it aims to reach are all elements that will enhance new paths towards furniture circularity.


Expected Achievements:

Project partners will use joint methodology, which enables transnational comparison of the forest-based industries’ and consumers’ performances with the reference to the sustainability and circular economy concepts. The activities will enable FULAR partners to identify also the best cases SMEs that already implemented circular economy models to their production processes. The activities will lead to a clear picture of the state of the art of furniture companies in the Adriatic Ionian area as regards circular economy models’ implementation. The information collected will be used by the partners to develop a joint strategy with common goals and actions towards the enhancement of sustainable and circular solutions for the furniture sector. 

WP 2 will focus on the individuation of practical solutions based on the scientific studies regarding circular materials and innovative technologies and techniques introduced among the transnational forest-based industries. The specific studies and research activities conducted by the partners will lead to the production of a manual resuming strategic guidelines for the specific case of the furniture companies. The document will be shared with the sectoral actors of the Adriatic Ionian area and it will be aimed at summarising strategic information which could be helpful for the SMEs to start implementing circular economy models into their production processes. The information collected in the manual will be used as terms of references for the activities of WP3, in particular for pilot actions. 

The specific objective of WP3 is to demonstrate to the companies inside and outside the Programme Area the feasibility of greener items with the use of the materials and techniques identified during the project. CLUSTER ARREDO will be the lead partner of this specific WP. To do so, the International Awards: green challenge for designers will be organised to involve students and designers in the preparation of eco-design project proposals starting from scientific results collected in WP2. The winning projects will be further developed during the Materials Engineering International Workshops, where 3 of the winning projects will be selected to be prototyped. 

Project outputs:

  • FULAR Transnational Strategy 
  • Practical guidelines for circular economy implementation in furniture sector
  • FULAR Pilot: prototypes realisation
  • Beyond FULAR: dissemination and transferability
  • Report and recommendations: prototyping&testing circular solutions