Project number: contract no. 0005-404
Project duration: 36 months, 15.06.2023 - 14.06.2026
Overall budget: 228 600 €
Lead partner: Slovenian Forestry Institute (SI)
Co-financing: 100% Recovery and Resilience Facility, “NextGenerationEU”
European Union-funded project under the Recovery and Resilience Plan - NextGenerationEU
Link in Slovenian: Načrt za okrevanje in odpornost | GOV.SI
European forests are expected to help mitigate the effects of climate change while continuing to provide economic and social benefits to Europeans. Close-to-nature silviculture (CNS) is therefore becoming more and more important, as it can maintain forest carbon stock and produce an annual yield of timber at the same time. However, relatively little is known of the effect this type of forest management can have on timber quality. The overall objective of this project aims to address this gap by studying the relationship between CNS and timber quality by examining it at three different levels. The results of this study will allow European forest managers to optimize forest management for both timber production and carbon storage. The expected contribution is also to provide a better understanding of how silviculture affects timber quality on both macroscopic and microscopic levels, which is becoming more and more important as the frequency of natural disturbances increase in Europe.