Akronym: SOIL:OurInvisibleAlly
Project number: ASP0500310
Project duration: 1.9.2024 - 31.8.2027
Budget: overall 2.849.646 €
Co-financing: 75 % European Commission: European Regional Development Fund, Interreg Alpine Space Programme
Partnership: 12 partners from 5 states
Lead partner: Slovenian Forestry Institute
Project overall objective
SOIL will enhance the uptake of sustainable soil management (SSM) in the Alps at municipal & regional level to boost its local anchoring & implementation. It will streamline existing knowledge & apply practical actions at 10+ pilot sites to protect soil & operationalise the resilience of Alpine soils to climate change impacts. The do-how will strengthen the transnational policy networks (AC-SPWG, EUSALP AG2/6/7/8, EU Soil monit. & resil. directive) to embed & replicate soil knowledge leading to a new SSM culture & long-term transformation.
Project work plan
WP1 Adapting best soil practice & relevant data
WP2 Joint soil case-studies for Do-How
WP3 Spreading & embedding a new SSM culture
Project results:
R1: The project will provide a collection of best-practice examples, blueprints for soil-literacy workshops and vivid, easy-to-grasp representations of SSM focusing on Alpine Space. Together with the workshops it will make SSM not just easy to understand, but also easy to implement & apply. Municipalities and educational centres will include the workshops /collection into their programmes and apply the knowledge into their own procedures, supporting a paradigm shift towards SSM being the new normal.
R2: Municipalities will integrate and emphasize the importance of soil, its protection and SSM; in coordination with different sectors and their planning instruments & guidelines, anchoring SSM in Page 72 of 78 Result 2 spatial planning will generate long-term impact. The PPship guarantees close connection to relevant decision-makers & municipalities. Forest management planners will include soil protection into their 10-year-forest plans anchoring living & healthy soil as fundamental basis for sust. forests, SSM, and CR.
Soil:OurInvisibleAlly project team on kick-off meeting in Ljubljana (10. & 11. October 2024)