"We are dedicated to the research and affirmation of innovative approaches to sustainable acquisition and use of renewable forest resources."
Our research and development acitivites on production, business and social processes within production and the use of wood as well as the humanization of work are aimed at improving the competitiveness and visibility of the Slovenian economy, as well as to hasten sustainable use of renewable wood as an energy-producing raw material.
We provide for the continuing professional development of our staff , encourage team and innovative scientific-research work, as well as establish and cultivate business relationships with domestic and foreign partners. Through our high quality research, we aim to meet clients' expectations and develop sound forestry economics and policies as well as study the culture and history of forest use.
The fields of expert, research and scientific work
- Research into organizational-technological, socio-economic and ecological-economic environments for the stimulation of innovativeness and sustainable use of wood,
- Production processes and growing technologies,
- Study of work and temporal studies of forest work technologies,
- Quality development and certification of production processes and products,
- Norms, standards and regulations in forestry and wood production (ISO, PEFC, FSC),
- Construction, maintenance and use of forest roads and other infrastructure,
- Following trends in technique for fighting wildfires
- Technical means for entrepreneurial and small-scale production of wood,
- Humanization of work – safety and health at work,
- Socio-economic aspects of forest ownership, and family forests,
- Development of human resources for intensified wood use,
- Life-long learning and forest management,
- Use of biomass for energetic purposes,
- Wood products carbon cycle – use of wood and balance of carbon supplies,
- Sustainable forest management and the Kyoto Protocol,
- Forest wood products, wood quality and senescence,
- Non-wood products and services associated with forest resources,
- The role of woods and forestry from property to local, regional, national and international scales,
- Interactions of production, social and ecological roles of forests,
- Macroeconomic role and development of sectors/branches that are based on forest resources,
- Microeconomic analyses and forest policy,
- The role of forests and wood in natural, cultural and technical heritage.
Head of department