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International Summer School 2024 - Climate-friendly Agricultural Practices



Applications for the summer school are closed - thanks for your response!

Aim & objectives: 

The significance of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture cannot be overlooked. Our upcoming summer school will center on exploring various strategies to mitigate these emissions on agricultural lands. Moreover, we have planned a field excursion where participants will have the opportunity to visit experimental fields in Rakičan and a state-of-the-art family farm in Noršinci. These visits will provide firsthand exposure to innovative and environmentally conscious agricultural practices aimed at curbing our carbon footprint. 


Target audience: 

The summer school targets European students pursuing agronomy or related agricultural studies, who acknowledge the significance of understanding agriculture and climate change for shaping their academic and professional journey. Conducted entirely in English; therefore, proficiency in English is required. 


Organisers & trainers: 

dr. Boštjan Mali (Slovenian Forestry Institute) 

dr. Jože Verbič (The Agricultural Institute of Slovenia) 

dr. Aleš Kolmanič (The Agricultural Institute of Slovenia) 

dr. Martina Bavec (University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences)

dr. Martina Robačer (University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences)

And others (will be announced shortly)


How can you participate? 

We have up to 30 places available for this summer school. Please apply through this form by June 1st, 2024. Each applicant is asked to send (i) a short motivation letter, and (ii) one page CV, both in English. This information will be used by the Organising Committee to decide which candidates will be admitted. The decision on the participants will be announced in the second half of May together with the detailed programme of the Summer School. 


When & where? 

15th – 19th July 2024, Murska Sobota, Slovenia 


Venue and accommodation: 

Center šolskih in obšolskih dejavnosti Murska Sobota, Tomšičeva ul. 15, 9000 Murska Sobota, Slovenia 


Contact and additional information:  


Participation fee & support:

No registration fee. The project LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE will cover the costs of accommodation, full board, and field trip for participants.   

For foreign participants, the organizer will reimburse part of the travel costs up to 100 EUR per person. The reimbursement will be transferred only after the completion of the school. 



15. 7. 2024  Arrival, opening social dinner 

16. 7. 2024  Theoretical basics, lectures and group work 

17. 7. 2024  Field excursion (Rakičan, Noršinci) 

18. 7. 2024  Group work on green gas emissions in agriculture 

19. 7. 2024  Presentation of work results by groups and conclusions 


Apply now for international summer school 2024! 


The LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE (LIFE17 IPC/SI/000007) project is an integrated project, co-financed by the European LIFE programme, the Climate Change Fund and other partners.