na glavno vsebino


OptFORESTS: Harnessing forest genetic resources for increasing options in the face of environmental and societal challenges


OptFORESTS, a Horizon Europe project financed by the EU, will support the protection and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe, by increasing cooperation and knowledge sharing to foster adaptation to climate change and biodiversity-supporting practices in forestry. The project will generate research outputs supporting the choice of more diverse FRM adapted to future climates, and inform assisted gene flow and migration, foster the sustainable use, adaptation and resilience of naturally-regenerated forests, develop methods to expand and diversify nursery production, analyse and develop nature-based solutions, tools and new cultural trajectories and demonstrate biodiversity restoration solutions for degraded forest ecosystems. The consortium of 19 academic research groups, non-profit organizations and the private sector is led by INRAE.

Slovenian Forestry Institute contributes to all WPs and leads WP3 on generation of new common garden trials.

Duration: 1. 11. 2022 – 31. 10. 2027

Budget: 8 008 387.00 EUR, for Slovenian Forestry Institute 590 778.75 EUR, financing by EC: 100%

Contact person at SFI: dr. Marjana Westergren,